Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Liberty is providing all customers with new advanced metering technology.
Liberty is replacing all 126,500 meters across our Long Island and Upstate service areas to fulfill regulatory requirements and empower our customers to better manage their water use through access to data. The AMI meter replacement effort began in May 2020 and will continue through 2025. Customers will receive communication from Liberty in advance of their neighborhood being scheduled for meter replacement.
Learn More:
What is Advanced Metering Infrastructure Frequently Asked Questions
Residential customers can choose to not have an AMI meter installed. Call Liberty at 516-632-2222 to get more information about your options and costs associated with opting-out.
After that, you can download and fill out the AMI Meter Replacement Opt-Out Application Form below.
AMI Meter Replacement Form
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Once a customer receives a new AMI meter, they can sign up for the EyeOnWater customer portal via the app or desktop platform, and access their personal water use data 24/7! EyeOnWater can notify customers of leaks on their property and help customers monitor usage to avoid a high bill.
Sign up for EyeOnWater today or download the EyeOnWater app for the AppStore. You will need your account number to sign up.
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