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Irrigation Guidelines - New York Water - Residential

Lawn Irrigation Guidelines

Water conservation is important for the environment and for your wallet. It’s easy to conserve this precious resource and save money on your monthly water bill at the same time.
You can accomplish this by the following the steps below when programming your irrigation system this spring. These guidelines also reduce the likelihood of overwatering, resulting in a healthier, more attractive landscape.

  • Check your system for leaks.
  • Install WaterSense labeled smart controllers and spray sprinkler bodies.
  • Follow the Nassau County Ordinances:
    • Lawn watering between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. is prohibited.
    • Even-numbered addresses and non-numbered homes can water only on even-numbered days; odd-numbered addresses can water only on odd-numbered days.
  • Follow the Automatic Systems Zoned Map Schedule:
    • To relieve system strains during the summer peak mornings due to irrigation systems, Liberty is asking you to follow the zoned time schedule
    • If manually irrigating, each zone/area should not run more than 15 minutes.
    • Remember, a lawn requires just one inch of rain per week for adequate maintenance.

Download a copy of these guidelines below to hang in your house! 

