Smart Water Use - Tools and Technology - Residential
Residential Tools & Technology
Conservation is a key focus for Liberty customers. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation established a goal for all Long Island water suppliers to reduce peak season water demand by 15 percent by 2021 to help ensure the long-term sustainability of Long Island's sole source aquifer. Of course, conserving our natural resources is an important practice, no matter where you live.
Check out the tools and technology in our H2O Control Toolbox to help you conserve water and save money on your bill.
EnglishEspañolOur conservation kit includes a water efficient showerhead, aerators, toilet tank bank, leak detection tabs, and a garden hose nozzle.
Interested? Fill out the form here.
To use less water, it's helpful to know how much you're using and where. Check out our online Water Use Calculator to find out!
This new tool allows you to input water use information specific to your household and offers tips on where you can save water and energy based on that data.
Understanding when you use the most water can help you identify ways to save. AMI smart meters provide near real-time water usage data to empower customers to make informed decisions for their household.
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Login or register to our customer portal and you will be able to see your monthly usage for the last three years and comparisons of your current usage to your neighborhood.